If you have ever visited a refractory unit, you would have surely noticed the linings of the refractors. What is so special about it? Of course the linings of the refractors are made up of a special material known as mortar. It is also called refractory mortar.

Apart from the refractors, the mortar is also used as linings inside kilns, furnaces and ovens. Refractory mortar and cement also plays an important role in glass manufacturing units, metal industries. Refractory mortar is also used in making deflectors for rocket launching systems and hence is the most preferred raw material in space shuttle manufacturing units.

1. Refractory cement and mortar

Refractory mortar and cement has a great relationship as the mortar is made up of water, sand and cement. Mortar acts as a binding agent which keeps the stones and bricks together in buildings.

With the coming years, the preferred choice of materials also changes.  Long ago people who worked in refractors preferred fire clay and Portland cement. But as years went by the masons started preferring mortar and cement as refractory materials over the others. In fact many of them are preferring mortar that  is factory made along with cement.

Why do masons choose refractory mortar and cement over other materials?

Now you may feel why should the masons choose the factory made refractory mortar and cement ? Because they are readily available, safer and convenient to use. Moreover they offer a premium quality installation to the customers.

2. Cement material used by masons

The refractory mortar also meets the building codes also which is essential for the material to be used in building purposes. Refractory mortar can withstand high temperatures and are acid resistant too. All these properties make the material the most preferred one in refractories.

Most of the refractory mortar and cement before they are being used have to be certified under the American Society for testing materials. The code given to refractory mortar is ASTMC-199. This certifies that refractory mortar is manufactured at a higher temperature resistant standard.

Different Types of Refractory Mortar and Cement 

Today we can see two types of refractory mortar being used in the refractories, and the biggest advantage of these materials is that they are code compliant too.

One is a soluble refractory mortar which does not have any water content in it. Other is a premixed refractory mortar. The first one contains binders and aggregates and can withstand high temperatures. The premixed one also contains binders and aggregates, it has a liquid as a binder. Most masons prefer it as it is readily mixable.

Choose your refractory mortar carefully and make sure that it serves your purpose